RIMS, Kyoto, 1993
I spent three months (11 January- 11 April) in 1993 at RIMS, Kyoto, at the invitation of Shigeo Kida, with whom (together with Koji Ohkitani) I worked on the problem of the Burgers vortex subjected to non-axisymmetric strain, this leading to the 'sinews of turbulence' paper. It was a most fruitful collaboration.
Linty and I stayed at the Shugakuin Visitor Hostel (near to the Shugakuin Imperial Villa!), and we soon settled in to the Japanese life-style.
We were happy to renew acquaintance with old friends, Tomomasa Tatsumi, veteran of turbulence research, and the Yosinobu's who had spent the year 1961/2 in Cambridge.
During this period, I was invited by Masaru Kiya to give a seminar at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, where we saw the magnificent ice sculptures for which Sapporo is famous. Later, I gave seminars also at Fukuoka University in Kyushu, travelling there from Kyoto by the bullet train (Shinkansen), and at the University of Tokyo at the invitation of Tom Kambe.
Towards the end of my stay in Kyoto, I was invited to contribute an informal article to the RIMS Newsletter; I wrote a piece entitled "Croquet in Kyoto".

(Photo: With Tomomasa Tatsumi in Kyoto, 1993)